Tuesday, November 07, 2006

What you don’t want to see on a election day:

So as I was arriving at Baltimore’s beautiful Penn Station to board the train for DC, I had one of those moments you aren’t supposed to see during ‘these times’. I was getting ready to head down for the night to watch the election returns with my mega-nerd {but still my sweetiepoo} boyfriend who screams with joy for each newly elected Democrat. No, seriously. Screams. Like a momma whose baby has just been acquitted of murdering that punk ass cop.
Anyway. I had just opened the door to the station, and was walking in, when all of the sudden I saw a HUGE orange and red flash, as an exploding fireball lit up the entire station from the tracks. I immediately see train patrons scrambling and hear screams, as the security guards started flying out of their office towards the area. A huge ass German Shepard was bounding alongside a guard the size of a tank. As I naturally do when a crisis arrives, I walk right into it. Sooo I scampered along towards the crying old women and running guards, and got there just in time.
The mega explosion at a public transportation hub during an election was in fact a pigeon that flew into the overhead wires and blew up.
Alas, I was not there to document the actual encounter.


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